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Cycle Sisters in Action: The Values that Guide Our Work


Updated: 7 hours ago

Muslim women cyclists

At Cycle Sisters, our work is guided by three core values: inclusion, responsibility and leadership. These values, which are rooted in the teachings of Islam, inspire and shape our commitment to creating empowering spaces for Muslim women to cycle - helping to make cycling more accessible for all.

In this blog, we share how these values are put into practice — from removing barriers to participation, to promoting sustainable travel, and supporting women into leadership roles within cycling.


“People, We created you all from a single man and a single woman, and made you into races and tribes so that you should get to know one another” (Qur’an 49v13) 

We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to cycle in a welcoming and supportive environment, where they feel valued and respected. By breaking down barriers and celebrating diversity, we create spaces where Muslim women and women from all backgrounds can connect, belong, and thrive.

Examples of our inclusion value in action: 

  • We support women from different socioeconomic backgrounds by offering free and subsidised cycling activities and event places.

  • We are working to make our activities neuro-inclusive for women who identify as neurodivergent.    

  • We develop targeted projects for women who are under-represented in our activities such as specific cultural and ethnic groups.

    Somali women cycling
    Somali Women's Cycling Lessons, Tower Hamlets


"Thus, We have made you a justly balanced nation so that you may be witnesses over humanity." (Qur’an 2:143)

We believe that caring for ourselves, each other, and the world around us is a shared responsibility entrusted to us by our Creator. Through cycling, we promote health and well-being, strengthen communities, and encourage a sustainable and balanced way of life.

Examples of our responsibility value in action: 

  • We encourage our participants to take responsibility for their health and wellbeing through an active lifestyle - 92% of women who have participated in our cycling activities say that their health has improved.   

  • We promote cycling as a sustainable transport choice by providing cycle lessons and running active travel campaigns that help participants reduce their environmental impact.

  • We take our responsibility to provide a safe and supportive environment seriously by investing in high-quality training for our volunteers and implementing good practice in cycle training and led rides.  

Najiya's experience of our active travel campaign


"Be a community that calls for what is good, urges what is right and forbids what is wrong; those who do this are the successful ones” (Qur’an 3v104)

We strive to lead with courage, integrity and expertise, using our voices to create a fairer and more inclusive society where cycling is open to all. Our work empowers Muslim women to grow in confidence, take on visible roles in cycling, and be advocates in their communities.

Examples of our leadership value in action: 

  • We train and support women to take up leadership roles in cycling as Ride Leaders, instructors and mechanics. 

  • We positively represent Muslim women and our faith values in the media, challenging stereotypes. 

  • We advocate for policies and programmes that make cycling more inclusive and accessible for under-represented groups. 

Muslim women doing bike mechanics
Bike mechanic training

Our values of inclusion, responsibility and leadership shape how we operate and what we prioritise. They guide the way we support women from under-represented backgrounds, promote cycling as a sustainable and healthy choice, and ensure Muslim women have visible and active roles in the cycling world.

By embedding these values into our everyday work, we strive to create a cycling community that is accessible, safe and empowering for all women.



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